Scopri il nuovo sistema dedicato a studenti e professionisti della salute


This series is dedicated to disciplines with a technical-scientific tendence, which are different from the holistic ones, since they are more physical-structural oriented. The starting point is knowing the functional aspect of the human anatomy.

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Sport massage

Sport massage is the first training in all the disciplines.
A good performance can be obtained with direct training, but also with a good care of one’s own muscular and skeletal system. The most important phases of sport massage are before the performance, to release the muscular fibers and reduce psychological stress; after the performance, when cooling down it’s fundamental; during the performance, a fast massage to permit a fast recovery.
This kind of massage is advised also to people who don’t practice sport activity and have postural problems due to daily routine, which require a treatment to rebalance body and mind and release the catabolites.

Duration: 55 minutes
Inner booklet: 36 pages
Author: Nicola Revello
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Nicola Revello

Massophysiotherapist, physiomasseur and CST
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Price: 90,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
What is Streaming solution?
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4,60 (10)

Trigger Points

Chronic pain is a subject known to professionals who deal with physical and mental well-being. It often happens that muscle tension caused by wrong lifestyles, stress and trauma can become chronic and difficult to solve. But the discovery of the Trigger Points indicated an excellent way for manual pain relief.
This video course teaches the trigger point treatment technique associated with complementary stretching techniques. Each video is accompanied by a map of the points and correlated pain areas in order to give a complete view of the treatment and allow the operator to proceed from the assessment to the targeted action.

Duration: 1 hour and 47 minutes
Inner booklet: 52 pages
Author: Nicola Revello
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Nicola Revello

Massophysiotherapist, physiomasseur and CST
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Price: 100,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,60 (10)

Anatomy for masseurs

This 3-DVD video course is intended for masseurs and operators of bionatural disciplines and aims to treat the main systems of the human body in a popular way, without pretending to go into technical-medical aspects. The goal is to provide an overview that can allow us to better understand the functioning of the human "machine" without forgetting, however, that it is an interacting set of systems, organs and apparatuses.

Duration: 4 hours and 42 minutes
Author: Ivana Bosio
Language: Italian

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Ivana Bosio

Doctor with specialization in obstetrics and gynecology.
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Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
What is Streaming solution?
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Exercises of Postural Kinesiology

Prevention and cure of back pain are the main contents of this video tutorial. Sometimes the solution to this problems it’s just a matter of staying in a good position during the daily actions and comprehend simple movements.
The video tutorial is particularly indicated to the professional figure of masseur who, since his goal is to make other people feel better, sometimes ignore his personal well-being. The masseur will find this tutorial useful for two reasons: first of all for himself, to keep a better posture during treatments, and then also for his clients, when giving advices on how to prevent pain.

Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Inner booklet: 28 pages
Author: Paola Bertano
Language: Italian

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Paola Bertano

Doctor in Sport Sciences and Kinesiologist
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Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
What is Streaming solution?
Other series
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Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy dedicated to personal care. In this section you can find video tutorials about Panchakarma traditional treatments (or the five purification actions of the individual). DISCOVER MORE
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