Video courses in DVD + Book
Language: Italian
The Plantar Reflexology is a method that, through the global assessment of the foot and consequent
stimulation of specific points corresponding to the reflexes of the body, aims at
restoration of the energy balance and the stimulation of the Life Force
each one of us, that is, that force that keeps us alive and makes us able to defend ourselves
from external aggressions, thus promoting our well-being.
There are different types of approaches to the discipline: Eastern, holistic, Western, etc. The address of this video course is Western plantar reflexiology.
With this manual you can:
learn the complete mapping of organs and apparatus, with great anatomical accuracy
acquire knowledge of the working techniques of Plantar Reflessology
know the anatomy of the foot and the zonal theory of Eunice D. Ingham
acquire the skills to perform a evaluation of the signs and areas to be treated depending on the symptoms
learn some working paradigms to deal with typical situations that you may present with your customers
Like all multimedia products of C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his path of formation.
DVDs of Corpo Mente Spirito are built with a logic
interactivity to allow the student to view
and analyze each technique in its singularity. Each
position is marked by a number (all techniques
are also listed on the leaflet attached to the package)
and every time it is performed, even during treatment
complete, it is displayed in the corner of the screen.
In this way it is possible to carry out a selective study
and targeted to the technique you most want to deepen.
The subtitle function was also
used to indicate the name of each technique. The shooting are made so
to highlight the most significant aspects
of the movement to be learned/deepened.
List of sections:
List of video sections:
In the following videos you can see 2 sections of the video course: the treatment of the small intestine and the treatment of the vagus nerve, in which Barbara Milanesio explains the intervention technique for 2 very frequent problems in the world today. In fact, the small intestine and the vagus nerve are stratamente linked to stress disorders, the first because it is the primary target of this condition and the second because its good functioning is an indication of the good functioning of our parasympathetic system. When this works in the right and balanced way, in fact, we can benefit from a state of relaxation that inevitably leads to health.
The small intestine in Plantar Reflexology
The treatment of the intestine is very important because, in addition to being one of the main excretory organs, it is the seat of our deepest emotions, often the "main target" of psychosomatic disorders.
The discomforts that affect the gastro-intestinal tract are probably, together with the problems related to the Nervous System, one of the main reasons that push people to ask for help to Foot Reflexology, however, obtaining great benefit. In fact, the effectiveness of this technique in this area is undisputed.
Why treat the Vagus nerve in Plantar Reflexology?
Among the main functions are to promote peristalsis, regulate appetite, reduce heart rate, regulate mood and digestion. From here we can understand its importance at the reflexiological level and why it is inserted in this context.
It should be treated in all cases of visceral somatization of emotions or in imbalances affecting the viscera, bronchi and heart. It is good to associate it with the treatment of the Solar Plexus and the Central Nervous System.