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Informativa Privacy

Dear User
We would like to inform you that the European Regulation n. 679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter GDPR 2016/679) has improved the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
Pursuant to D.Lgs. 196/2003, so & igrave; as amended by D.Lgs. 101/2018 and dell & rsquo;art. 13 European regulation GDPR 679/2016 and s.m.i. (PRIVACY POLICY), We therefore invite you to read the following information and to express your consent to the processing of personal data.


1. Data controller and data protection officer

Data Controller è la società Corpo Mente Spirito di Iallonardi Christian with address elected in Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN), Via Madonna del campo, 24.
The Data Controller may also be contacted by pec at or by e-mail at The Data Controller has not appointed a data protection officer (DPO data protection officer), as it does not apply to art. 37 GDPR 2016/679.
For this reason, you can contact Corpo Mente Spirito to exercise all the rights recognized by the GDPR and to know the updated list of Data Processors and processed data, as well as the agreement with any joint data controllers.

2. Purpose & agrave; of data processing and legal basis of processing (art. 13 co. 1 lit. [c] GDPR 2016/679)

The personal data provided may only be processed for the following purposes:

Personal data may be processed by means of both paper and computer files (on applications in the cloud and/or portable devices) and processed in a manner strictly necessary to meet the purposes indicated above.

3. Types of processed data

The Data Controller collects, records, re-elaborates and stores the following types of common personal data:
- User identification data (name, surname, tax code), including data allowing communication (residence, domicile, telephone number, e-mail address);
- in the only case in which the payment is chosen through bank receipt (riba) altresì the economic and financial data of the & rsquo;Utente.

4. Legal basis for processing

The Data Controller processes your personal data (common) lawfully where the processing:

5. Communication and data dissemination

As an interested party you can request at any time the communication of your data or that they be communicated to the persons explicitly indicated.
Your personal data may also be communicated to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.
The data will not be further communicated except to persons duly authorized by the data controller, such as: IT consultants, suppliers, collaborators, banking institutions, providing functional services for the purposes indicated in point 2; subjects that process data in execution of specific legal obligations; authority & agrave; judicial or administrative, for the fulfillment of legal obligations. Your personal data is not subject to disclosure.
The data will not be transferred to a third country or to an international organization, except those that anonymously, while browsing the site, are collected through third-party cookies (v. info Cookies).

6. Treatment mode

The processing of personal data consists in the collection, registration, organization, storage, communication of the same data.
The processing of personal data è carried out for the purposes & agrave; of in point 2, in accordance with & agrave; as established by art. 5 of GDPR 2016/679 on paper, IT on applications in the cloud and/or portable devices), with telematic means (e-mail, sms, whatsapp), in compliance with the rules of law, legitimacy and security provided by current legislation.
With regard to your data there is no automated decision-making, né of a processing that involves its profiling.

7. Data retention times

Your personal data, processed for the purposes indicated above, will be kept for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and in particular:

Your personal data will subsequently be stored and processed exclusively in compliance with legal obligations.

b>8. Rights of the interested

Your rights under GDPR 2016/679 include:

9. How to exercise rights

Potrà at any time exercise your rights by sending:
& ndash; a pec all’indirizzo or by e-mail all’indirizzo ;
- a registered letter to/r all’address: Corpo Mente Spirito di Iallonardi Christian with address elected in Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN), Via Madonna del campo, 24;
- a message also via the link info and contacts


10. Nature of the provision of personal data and consequences of a refusal to reply

The provision of personal data & egrave; optional, however, l’eventual refusal to confer it involves the impossibility & agrave; to perform the required service to Corpo Mente Spirito.

12. Changes and updates.

This information is valid from the date on which it was submitted. The company & agrave; may, however, subject to prior notice, make changes and/ or additions to this policy, also as a result of any changes and/ or regulatory additions to GDPR 2016/679.

Last update, lì 15/04/2022

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Corpo Mente Spirito
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