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The products of this series deal with the Holistic Disciplines: video tutorials, books and music CDs dedicated to who wants to deepen his knowledge in massaging to obtain a psycho-physical wellbeing.

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4,59 (57)

Basic massage techniques

This DVD is meant for people who want to approach the world of massage in order to practise it at an amateur or a professional level. It is an essential tool for learning the basic techniques needed for going more deeply into specific disciplines like Californian, sports, holistic, etc. massage.
Massage has countless benefits that range from the physical to the psychological fields: it tones up muscle tone, it improves blood and lymph circulation, it stimulates the nerve endings, the cutis and the glands, contributing to a rebalancing of a person’s state of wellbeing, it contributes towards regulating the breathing rhythm,  and the heart beat, and has a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands.

Duration: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

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Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 90,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,58 (75)

Connective massage

The CONNECTIVE MASSAGE is a penetrating reflexology massage, the technique of which has remained unchanged through time, given its undisputed effectiveness. It consists in a series of slow and deep massages which have a direct effect on the point concerned. There are many proven beneficial physical effects such as the slackening and relaxing of the zones on which actions are reflected on the internal organs, as well as the vascularization of the areas connected to the treatment of unsightly aesthetic problems such as cellulite, wrinkles, etc...
Like all massages it also acts to re-establish the individual’s holistic equilibrium.

Duration: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Inner booklet: 24 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 90,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,68 (34)

Massage with brushes

They act directly on the piliferous zone, which is the most external part of our body, which is also connected to our most inner parts, that is our emotions.
One has only to remember the occasions when one’s hair has stood on edge (goose bumps) as the result of a strong emotion, whether it be positive or negative, in which the hair has acted to externally display our emotion. According to this same principle, by working on the hair we can make those emotions emerge that are embedded deep within us, and which serve to confuse our energy system.

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,62 (13)

Back massage

The back is, maybe, the most applicable place for massages. The spine is the column of our body, the most important collection of bones and muscles which allow us to stay up on our feet. The muscles around our spine have to bear a heavy work and if they’re not correctly relaxed can transform the compensation of tensions in pain. A massage on the back help to relax the muscels and reinvigorate all the body.
This video tutorial shows the correct techniques to treat the dorsal area working directly on muscles or indirectly, through stretching and rotation of limbs. The massage is shown both on bed and on futon.

Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Inner booklet: 36 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 90,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,31 (8)

Massage on chair

A 15/20 minutes massage, fast and effective, usually practiced with clothes on, during the coffee break. That's the choice of several important companies to take care of their employees.
Office massage is decontracting and relaxing, and is perfect to relieve muscular tension matured during the usual hours at work desks.
Massage on chair can be practiced in the most various places: waiting rooms, airports, offices, along the street and of course also in the practitioner office.
The easiness of transportation of the necessary tools and the possibility to be practiced everywhere are the key to the success of this type of massage.

Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 80,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
What is Streaming solution?
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4,56 (64)

Lymph Drainage and self-treatment

LYMPH DRAINAGE  is a gentle massage consisting of movements that act on the lymph circulation, reducing the stagnation in it that is the cause of swelling. Manual lymphatic drainage (as it is also called) helps the flow of these liquids, moving them along, and carries out an unblocking action on congested channels. It is based on a number of light, slow and repeated movements, alternating with delicate pressure. It can be carried out on any area of the body (legs, buttocks, feet, face and back) and is advised for pre- and post-surgery treatments, venous insufficiency (varicose veins) and lymphedema,  or more simply for the treatment of aesthetically displeasing conditions such as cellulite and various kinds of swelling.

Duration: 1 hour and 50 minutes
Inner booklet: 20 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,53 (47)

Hot Stone Massage

The incredible properties of natural elements can give unique sensations to our body, useful to rebalance ourselves with the rest of the world. Hot Stone Massage is a particular treatment during which the huge thermic benefits brought by basaltic stones have to be correctly used by an expert practitioner.
Hot Stone Massage gives a sense of well-being and surround the subject with intense feelings, but has also some advantages: it helps blood flow and muscular relaxation, hydrates and purifies the skin and helps the metabolism.
According to the holistic discipline, the heat released by the stones compensates all the reflexology areas where we find an excess of cold due to the bad functionality of an organ.

Duration: 1 hour and 10 minuti
Inner booklet: 28 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,62 (71)

Neck massage

Our hectic daily lives, and the responsibility or the weight of our commitments, lead us to have defensive bodily postures that manifest themselves as shoulders pushed forward and head bent down. Furthermore, we very often do not realize that we are maintaining incorrect postures during sleep, while driving, at the table, etc. All this has obvious negative effects on the neck muscles that feel the effects of all the bodily tensions. NECK MASSAGE is therefore a useful treatment for relieving tensions and alleviating pains, and also restoring that mental serenity that you need to face daily life better.

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minuts
Inner booklet: 20 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 90,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,61 (40)

Foot massage

Our feet are probably the most long suffering part of our body, not only in physical terms (as they support the entire weight of our body right through the day and we often keep them imprisoned inside uncomfortable shoes), but in moral terms also as we often consider them as being dirty,  smelly and ugly and we seek to hide them inside our socks even when it would be much better to go barefoot.
So that foot massages are not only highly relaxing and pleasant but also become a way of enhancing our general sense of well-being.

Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,68 (17)

Head massage

The head is full of nerve endings and despite its lack of muscular mass the pleasure derived from head massages is known to all. We only need to think of the pleasure derived from shampooing the hair after a stressful day at work. It is for this reason that the video course is suitable both for massotherapists working on a bed and for hairdressers working at the hair-washing sink.
According to oriental philosophy, the head is the point of control and coordination of the entire psychosomatic centre, so that a head massage has a relaxing effect and helps to re-balance both mind and body.

Duration: 2 hours
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,47 (65)

Californian massage

CALIFORNIAN massage is a very gentle massage consisting of very simple movements that are seemingly  intuitive but are very effective because they fulfil that need for human contact that, in the hectic society in which we live, often gets lost. The rhythm is slow and follows that of the breathing. The hands of the person carrying out the massage remain constantly in contact with the body of the person who is receiving it. The movements are always embracing and  fluid.  The hands slide along the skin in circular movements and they are further assisted by the use of appropriate oils (very often enriched with fragrant essences).
CALIFORNIAN massage is suitable for re-establishing wellbeing in  conditions of physical or mental stress or tiredness.

Duration: 1 hour and 50 minutes
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
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Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
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4,75 (16)

Anti-sinusitis massage

Sinusitis has a host of recognized unpleasant side effects (headaches, eye strain, nausea, unpleasant odour) as well as other negative and weakening psychological effects. As individuals begin to perceive reality in a negative manner and to have  confused mental states, with a reduction in creativity and enthusiasm for new projects, he becomes resigned and has a fear of the unknown.
Thanks to facial massages and pressure applied to specific neuralgic points it is possible to contribute to unblock the energy congestion and aid the body to self-treatment of the symptoms so as to alleviate the causes in a natural manner.

Duration: 50 minutes
Inner booklet: 16 pages
Author: Vittorio Piacenza
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Vittorio Piacenza

Massophysiotherapist and master in holistic discipline
» discover more

Price: 69,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming
What is Streaming solution?
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