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Video course in DVD and Streaming

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Videocorso di anatomia funzionale per masseatori e operatori delle discipline bionaturali. Basic course for the profession of the masseur. Online course, DVD and Video Streaming with training certificate
Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Language: Italian

Level: basic

A theoretical basis for massagers

Knowledge of the body must be the basis for a massage or treatment on the human body. This video course is ideal to learn the operation of the "machine" human in structural and functional terms without losing sight of the unity of the system body, mind and spirit, which we are. Everything is explained with a simple and informative language, without going into medical technicalities, superfluous for the objective we have set ourselves.

The objectives of this teaching tool are:

  • provide the theoretical basis of anatomy

  • give a overview of the various apparatuses and organs

  • deepen the functioning of the locomotor apparatus, useful for masseurs

  • indicate the main pathologies to be borne by the various organs

  • teach conventions on the nomenclature of body parts and movements

  • explain the biological principles of various tissues

The author of video course

Ivana Bosio - Doctor with specialization in obstetrics and gynecology.

Ivana Bosio

Doctor with specialization in obstetrics and gynecology.
» Discover more

What you buy

  • A 4-hour, 42-minute video course
  • The teaching support of the teacher
  • A month of free streaming**
  • Digital Training Certificate
  • Insertion of the certificate in the Runadib
* In the Streaming version the booklet is provided in digital/hypertext format
** Only for the DVD version

Why digital training

  • Possibility to review the course where and when you want
  • Cost much lower than the classroom course
  • No logistical expenses (hotel, travel, etc.)
  • Can be completed with classroom training

Contents of the anatomy video course

The DVD of Anatomy and physiology for masseurs is structured in a single lesson divided into 12 chapters.
Theoretical knowledge of the functioning of the human body: of fundamental importance for those who want to properly perform massages and treatments.

    Introduction by the author, dott.ssa Ivana Bosio, doctor with specialization in obstetrics and gynecology.
    Starting from the cell, the basic unit of all the devices, the video continues with the locomotor system (fundamental for those who are about to operate on the human body with the manual massage)and then continue with all the other systems and conclude with the endocrine system.
  • The cell
  • Bones
  • Articulations
  • Muscles
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Respiratory system
  • Digestive system
  • Uro-genital apparatus
  • Nervous system and sense organs
  • Integumental apparatus
  • Endocrine system


Video cours of
Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming

Language: Italian

Customer reviews

4,60 (10)
Matteo (09/24/2023)
Mi aspettavo qualcosa di più mirato agli operatori del massaggio. Ma era una aspettativa che mi sono creato io per cui nessuna recriminazione o rimprovero.
salassa (04/13/2020)
Stefania (10/17/2019)
Eccellente il contenuto, grazie per il prezioso Dono! Invece bassa la qualità del DVD, purtroppo vengono espulsi continuamente e non consentono quindi la fluidità e concentrazione necessaria Al momento sono focalizzata sul corso di anatomia, eccellente la dott.ssa Bosio nella trasmissione semplificata di argomenti così complessi, talvolta ho riscontrato qualche difficoltà nel correlare ciò che descriveva in quanto non indicato fisicamente su slide, ma ripeto eccellente!
pietro (08/05/2019)
Baldanzini (01/14/2019)
Carollo (10/29/2018)
D'IGNAZIO (06/27/2018)
Gianfranco (04/17/2018)
chiari ed esaustivi corrispondenza
donatella (03/31/2018)
alcuni CD saltano durante la visione o si fermano per un po.
Mario (02/27/2018)
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