Video course in DVD and Streaming
Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?
Language: Italian
The objectives of this teaching tool are:
provide the theoretical basis of anatomy
give a overview of the various apparatuses and organs
deepen the functioning of the locomotor apparatus, useful for masseurs
indicate the main pathologies to be borne by the various organs
teach conventions on the nomenclature of body parts and movements
explain the biological principles of various tissues
The DVD of Anatomy and physiology for masseurs is structured in a single lesson divided into 12 chapters.
- The cell
- Bones
- Articulations
- Muscles
- Cardiovascular system
- Lymphatic system
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Uro-genital apparatus
- Nervous system and sense organs
- Integumental apparatus
- Endocrine system