Video course in DVD and Streaming
Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
The Californian massage is a very sweet massage that sees the operator taking care of the customer with smooth and delicate movements, almost to pamper him. Born in America in the late '60s, devastated by the wounds caused by the Vietnam War. It is a type of massage that has as its ultimate goal to make the client feel a feeling of love, trust and protection. It is therefore a practice that involves both physical aspects and emotional, and helps to overcome psychological obstacles caused for example by a emotional trauma.
The objectives of this video course are:
analyze 28 massage circuits made from two different positions (prone and supine)
deepen the massage technique both from the point of view emotional both from the physical
know the benefits on the body and mind, at the physical and energy level
perfecting the massage technique using, more than in others, the notion of contact
increase your professionalism by the exact application of the concepts related to this type of massage
Like all multimedia products by C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his training path.
The DVDs of Corpo Mente Spirito are built with a logic
interactivity to allow the student to view
and analyze each technique in its singularity. Each
technical and marked by a number (all techniques
are also listed on the leaflet attached to the package)
and every time it is performed, even during treatment
complete, it is displayed in the corner of the screen.
In this way it is possible to carry out a selective study
and targeted to the technique you most want to deepen.
The subtitle function was also
used to indicate the name of each technique in the 3 languages
of the video course. The shooting are made in a way
to highlight the most significant aspects
of the movement to be learned/deepened.
We chose non to accompany the images with
the comment spoken because we believe that they are
List of video sections: