Video course in DVD and Streaming
Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
The field of action of this type of massage is the hair system. The massage with brushes is an unusual practice, made with soft brushes of synthetic bristles, with the purpose of stimulate emotions acting on the surface of the skin. It is a very light and sweet type of massage, which must remember the action of the flow of water or the caress of the wind on the skin, but in any case effective and useful to reach a level of relaxation and optimal well-being.
With this video course you can:
learn the so-called "circuits", optimal maneuvers for theperformance of the massage
learn a mild and gentle massage type, which differs from more conventional massages
know the effects of this type of operation
learn the basics for choosing the correct instrumentation (brushes)
Like all multimedia products of C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his path of formation.
DVDs of Corpo Mente Spirito are built with a logic
interactivity to allow the student to view
and analyze each technique in its singularity. Each
technical and marked by a number (all techniques
are also listed on the leaflet attached to the package)
and every time it is performed, even during treatment
complete, it is displayed in the corner of the screen.
In this way it is possible to carry out a selective study
and targeted to the technique you most want to deepen.
The subtitle function was also
used to indicate the name of each technique in the 3 languages
of the video course. The shooting are made in a way
to highlight the most significant aspects
of the movement to be learned/deepened.
We chose non to accompany the images with
the comment spoken because we believe that they are
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