Video course in DVD and Streaming
Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
Sports Massage video course is a Advanced Professional Study Tool of the Massage techniques. With this course, you acquire the skills to realize a massage to athletes of various disciplines, you understand what are the areas in which the sport masseur can act, what are its limitations and which are the techniques most suitable for each trauma from sport.
The objectives of this teaching tool are:
provide a technical approach to sports massage
give concrete help to those who want to become sport masseur/p>
methodically addressing the issue of prevention of serious injuries
provide a professional deepening tool to sports masseurs
give a guaranteed study method to get a specific approach
provide a full work tool for the operator
Like all multimedia products of C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his path of formation.
Massophysiotherapist, physiomasseur and CST
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Sports Massage Techniques DVD is built with a logic
interactivity to allow the student to view
and analyze each technique in its singularity. Each
technical and described by subtitles and where necessary the operator speaks with the receiver (to indicate for example to do counter-resistance). The menu also allows you to view the sequences divided by body zones. In this way you can perform a selective study
and targeted to the technique you most want to deepen.
The shots are made in such a way
to highlight the most significant aspects
of the movement to be learned/deepened.
List of video sections: