Video course in DVD and Streaming
Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?
Language: Italian (subtitled)
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
The objectives of this teaching tool are:
help pinpoint i Trigger Points
provide a tool for those who want to deepen the topic of chronic pain
allowing operators to distinguish Trigger Points from more serious issues
allow a precise study thanks to the complete map of points
define the cause of pain to properly treat it
analyze all possible treatment types to use
Like all multimedia products of C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his path of formation.
Massophysiotherapist, physiomasseur and CST
» Discover more
The Trigger Points DVD is built with logic
interactivity to allow the student to view
and analyze each technique in its singularity. Each
Muscle group is treated separately so as to provide a clear logical structure. On top of each video is displayed the map of Trigegr Points on the muscle and the map of pain zones. The menu also allows you to view the sequences divided by body zones. In this way you can perform a selective study
and targeted to the muscle or group of muscles that you most want to delve into.
The shots are made in such a way
to highlight the most significant aspects
of the movement to be learned/deepened.