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Postural Kinesiology

Video course in DVD and Streaming

Anatomy for masseurs
Basic massage techniques
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Video course of education to movement and posture: correction of postural errors. Online Digital Professional Training Course, DVD and Video Streaming with certificate.
Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming

Included in the purchase:
Digital training certificate ?
Didactic assistance
Registration at Runadib ?

Language: Italian

Level: basic

Movement as the first tool of well-being

The kinesiology is the science that studies the human movement in all its forms and expressions, but the starting point for the study of correct movement is the analysis of posture. Postural kinesiology exercises have the goal of harmonizing the posture making it as balanced, natural, stable and economical as possible. The peculiarity of this video course is that it is aimed at the massager also as a subject at risk, dealing with giving benefit to others, often puts in the background your wellness. It is therefore necessary that the operator also takes care of his own posture, so that he can operate at his best and give the right advice to his customers.

Using this video course you will:
  • use a complete working method for prevention and treatment of back pain

  • apply your knowledge about yourself, , avoiding incorrect postures

  • deepen techniques and useful exercises to prevent and correct postural errors

  • develop a operating procedure using stretching exercises, motor re-education, postural correction

  • organize methodically your work properly evaluating your customers

Like all multimedia products of C.M.S., is designed to follow step-by-step the student in his path of formation.

The author of video course

Paola Bertano - Doctor in Sport Sciences and Kinesiologist

Paola Bertano

Doctor in Sport Sciences and Kinesiologist
» Discover more

What you buy

  • A video course lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes
  • A theoretical booklet of 28 pages*
  • The teaching support of the teacher
  • A month of free streaming**
  • Digital Training Certificate
  • Insertion of the certificate in the Runadib
* In the Streaming version the booklet is provided in digital/hypertext format
** Only for the DVD version

Why digital training

  • Possibility to review the course where and when you want
  • Cost much lower than the classroom course
  • No logistical expenses (hotel, travel, etc.)
  • Can be completed with classroom training

Content of the video course of postural kinesiology

The postural kinesiology DVD is built with a logic interactivity to allow the student to view and analyze each exercise in its singularity. The shots are made in such a way to highlight the most significant aspects of the movement to be learned/deepened.
Posture errors and spinal defects: hyperlordosis and hyperkyphosis.

    Introduction by the author, Paola Bertano, Doctor in Motor Science and Kinesiology.
    In this section are illustrated all those exercises aimed at correcting (and self-correcting) the bad habits of everyday life and at work, with particular attention to the wearing professions such as that of those who develop masonic activities.
    • Sleeping positions
    • Daily Actions
    • For massagers
    The sections of this area are structured so as to provide the elements to draw up a work plan on posture. It is a total of 108 exercises in which the teacher shows and explains the correct movement and any mistakes that can be made.
    • Starting positions (7 exercises)
    • Muscle Awakening (13 exercises)
    • Mobilizations:
      • Dynamic mobilization (14 exercises)
      • Stretching (13 exercises)
    • X-ray of spine prone to scoliosis. The exercises in the video course show an example of how you can relieve the effect by strengthening your muscles and correcting your posture.Muscle strengthening:
      • Back (17 exercises)
      • Core stability (5 exercises)
      • Abs (14 exercises)
      • Glutes and lower limbs (7 exercises)
    • Posture:
      • Body perception (5 exercises)
      • Stretching (7 exercises)
    • Scoliosis (6 exercises)

Index of booklet

Booklet of 28 pages
  • Introduction
  • Research and statistical data
  • What are kinesiology and posture
  • Historical background and posture concept
  • Factors that determine posture
  • Alterations of normal body morphology
  • Antero-posterior rachis alterations
  • Lateral deviations of the spine
  • Painful spine syndromes
  • The structure of the video course
  • The work plan
  • Glossary
  • Establishing a relationship with the user


Video course of
Postural Kinesiology
Price: 75,00
N.B: Disponibile solo in versione Streaming

Language: Italian

Customer reviews

4,67 (3)
Giulio (10/15/2019)
Giuseppe (03/01/2019)
monalda (10/26/2018)
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